Face of Knives Productions presents:
Kayo Dot: One of the great unclassifiable. Legendary NYC Post Metal/Experimental Rock/Baroque/Post- Everything touring on their new release "Blasphemy" (Prophecy Productions)
Psalm Zero: Industrial/Goth/Dark Pop lead by Charlie Looker (Ex Life, Zs)(Profound Lore)
Of the Vine: Atlanta Post Rock/Drone
$10 ADV/$12 DOS
8:30 Doors
All Ages
Most of our event spaces are readily accessible and all can be made so. A primary venue entrance is via a ramp and we have an accessible restroom.
If you have any accessibility questions or needs, feel free to email us at hello@thebakeryatlanta.com
The Bakery is a Safer space. We do not tolerate discrimination, hateful speech, disrespect, or violation of personal boundaries. We do our best to maintain these policies in all aspects of our operation but if you experience or witness behavior that makes you uncomfortable please do not hesitate to inform a staff person. We are here for you, we will listen, and will do our best to address any situations that may arise. https://docs.google.com/.../1Kd6JkOwwLCqQqNN8oHD0qyD.../edit