Funding Seekers Support Group [April 8] - (CANCELED)
We are restarting an old initiative now online! While many applications or individual grants might not be open at this time, there's no excuse not to spiff up your resume, update that website, and make a plan for 2020. From SBA to PPP to OCA and more, we'll explore available funds, both immediate and longterm. Gather your resources so we can tackle this challenging field together!
Email with the subject line "Funding Seekers Support Group" to be invited via Zoom.
*Disclaimer: This is not a class. It is not led by an expert. This free coworking session is meant to serve as a peer-to-peer space for mutual benefit. All are free to sign up to listen (so long as you are respectful) but in order to participate, you must be prepared to do the legwork!