Create Your Own Culture: The Bakery at Emory's DIY Fest 2022

The Bakery popped up with a DIY art activation at Create Your Own Culture: Emory’s Art-Punk-DIY Fest, on Thursday, April 7, 2022. We interacted with students, families, and community members throughout the evening and together, we created a collaborative painting and made a lot of sock puppets! In true Bakery spirit, we encouraged everyone to be an artist.

The event featured live music from Loony and the debut of El Matador (feat. Katy Graves from Catfight, Randy Gue of Final Offering, and Chris Pollette).

Stations were set up for silkscreening T-shirts, making buttons, woodblock prints, learning how to write graffiti with Mad Clout, and more. The Bakery was delighted to be a part of this event!


Everyone is an Artist: The Bakery's activation at Mystic District Marketplace


ONE MARTA Project with MARTA Artbound