HeartFELT: Collaborative Art at Atlanta Streets Alive

Atlanta Streets Alive is a citywide initiative to reclaim public streets for the people. The city closes several miles of a major street to cars and opens them to people. The Bakery participated in Atlanta Streets Alive in 2019 on Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard in Southwest Atlanta, in 2023 on Peachtree Street in Downtown, and has plans to participate on Peachtree Street again in 2024.


The Bakery’s contribution to Atlanta Streets Alive focuses on collaborative activities to promote art and community engagement through creativity. In 2019, The Bakery partnered with MARTA Artbound to install visually captivating road side seating at three different MARTA bus stops in Southwest Atlanta. The installations, called Bakie Bike Stops, activated everyday spaces to promote sustainable living through public transportation.


HeartFELT, The Bakery’s activation for Atlanta Streets Alive 2023, was a collaborative DIY collage activity and photo booth. Participants worked together to create a large-scale felt art collage which then acted as a photo backdrop.


Placemaking projects like Atlanta Streets Alive foster a sense of place for individuals in the community. They increase community engagement, bolster economic development, and encourage inclusivity. Open Streets initiatives have steadily grown popular throughout different metros. Other US Cities like Boise are participating in similar Open Streets initiatives that focus on temporarily transforming streets into car-free spaces. They also host Parking Day where the city temporarily repurposes parking spaces into places for people.


As a concept, placemaking expands beyond public art - it is a philosophy and process that utilizes a community's assets and members to improve on communities based on the needs of those living there. It relies on cultivating a strong sense of place, making public spaces inviting,  and increasing the quality of life of community members. 

Public street activations create an inclusive space where community members across demographics, from kids to adults, can engage side-by-side in a project. The Bakery Atlanta is excited to continue working and growing our Placemaking projects!



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