Our 2021 Mission and Values

What is The Bakery?

The Bakery is a concept, an idea, an experiment that started in a warehouse at 825 Warner St SW. It started as a studio community space but became known as a venue. It started with a business plan, two women, and bunch of volunteers but turned into so much more. The origin story is different depending on whether you are asking what The Bakery is legally, practically, or conceptually.

*Mission Statements, Vision Statements, and Value Statements are hallmarks of nonprofits. However, other institutions can employ their use as well.

"Mission" Statement

The Bakery is a collective of creative thinkers aligned around social justice principles, environmental concerns, and the belief that art is pivotal to existence. We utilize and critique technology as it changes the human landscape while providing resources to emerging artists. Our previous space was unified around a DIY ethos which we carry with us into future projects. We keep community building at the core of what we do. We envision an Atlanta that supports the emerging, DIY, and underground arts as it grows, both locally and throughout the Southeast region.

501(c)(3) or LLC?

Legally, "The Bakery" is actually the DBA of a privately owned LLC [Limited Liability Company], the status of which provides financial and legal separation from an individual or collective.

Small corporate structures like LLC's are not the "magic" answer to any kind of success; they are simply government designations which help the state categorize, track, and account for your tax responsibility, among other things. Many small businesses are LLC's or partnerships because they are one of the easiest corporate structures to form.

If you want to hear more about why we are an LLC not a 501(c)(3), then stay tuned for our next post.

Call Out Culture

As a general policy, we will no longer respond to cancel culture or social media call-outs. You have ownership over what you view, click, and engage with on the internet. If you don’t like us, simply ignore our content.

If there if an actual issue or concern, please fill out our Code of Conduct form [www.thebakeryatlanta.com].

Cancel culture (or call-out culture) is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles - either online on social media, in the real world, or both. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to be "canceled."

Code of Conduct

The Bakery Atlanta is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community. Because we value the safety and security of our staff and guests + strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of our staff or guests in any form.

This Code of Conduct was created to clearly define what we mean by a harassment-free experience, so that our community and those who support it are clear about our intent and have access to procedures for addressing issues, should they arise.

We do our best to address issues as they arise and make sure people feel heard. We are a small team with a big mission and sometimes situations are more complex than we have the skills to navigate. We do our best to ensure a safe space for all.


92 Peachtree: Our New Gallery


Introducing The Studio Residency Program for Artists and Creatives!