The Otherworldly Works of Naudline Pierre


By: Fatou Bessem

In September, I  traveled to NYC to get a taste of the contemporary art life. I visited a bunch of galleries ranging from The Leslie Lohman Museu, and MOMA, but a main priority of mine was seeing Naudline Pierre’s recent solo exhibit at The Drawing Center, This is Not All There Is. Based on pure luck, she planned a personal tour of the exhibit a day after I came, and I was able to hear from the artist herself. Here are my thoughts and overall experience of meeting her and seeing her work in person for the first time.

Naudline Pierre needs no introduction. As one of the most sought after contemporary artists, her works not only invite her audience to her inner realm, but they serve as guidance for her own understanding of self. From working with oil paint to acrylic ink to pencil, she not only narrates tales surrounding the self and Id, but explores a sense of escapism that reminds us of our innate desire to be free. Freedom, in its purest form, is the most important aspect of her work.

Seeing Naudline’s works in person felt cathartic; a sweet release. I have been a fan of her work for years; drawing all types of inspiration that range from internal understanding to technical and artistic inspirations. Like many others, what I most appreciate about her work is her understanding of color and shape. In each work you are transported to a new world, one with no bounds and safe for expression, all expanded by beautiful and bright colors. Another common note is the characters and spiritual guides that follow her main character. She ranges from red to pink, to purple, mainly surrounded by angelic figures with new lessons to teach. Some assume the reoccurring character is a self-portrait of Naudline herself, but she is sure to deny that as true. “None of these are self-portraits,” says Naudline. “... I go into my work and create, I let the work guide me.”

In this guidance, the aspect of freedom comes out again and nourishes the pieces she creates.  

All in all, Naudline will always be a favorite. From being a genuine person to creating works from spirit. Authenticity with always resonate, and Naudline’s authenticity shows up in her work.


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