Tea Time Meditations #2


By: Jordan Neal

Originally published March 6, 2017, by Plasma Magazine 

Optimism is a major key to success. Einstein was once quoted saying, "the most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe." Religious debates aside, it is so important to choose the path of Positivity. Your thoughts create your reality. YOUR THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR REALITY. Train yourself to take challenges in stride, as opportunities to grow or evolve. Be humble in your victories. Be kind (and compassionate) to those less fortunate. Be proud of your accomplishments and know your worth, but remain level-headed. Always remind yourself that if you make the first move, the universe will follow through. And if you're going down the wrong path, these "challenges" might just be a blessing in disguise. Always Love yourself, and if you're not proud of who you are. Work on it. We are all here to improve. And if we never get it right, we might be back for round two. God only knows. *sips tea*

For more Tea Time Meditations, you can follow Ari Strickland on Instagram @aeslovebird


Tea Time Meditations #3


Tea Time Meditations