Signal and the Noise
By: Guest User
Originally published January 20, 2018 by Plasma Magazine
Photo Credit: Stephen Wilkins
This Sunday, Eyedrum Art & Music Gallery will show Japanese surrealist horror classic, ‘A Page of Madness’ complete with live music from the Atlanta-based string quartet, Cantos Y Cuentos.
Eyedrum is a nonprofit artist collective with a mission to create opportunities for dialogue, collaboration, and growth in the contemporary art community. This month, the gallery is showing a series of silent films with live music called, ‘Signal and the Noise.’
They’ve already shown two films this month.The first was Alice and Wonderland with music by vocalist Monique Osorio and violinist Sahada Buckley. Last week they showed Dante’s Inferno with music by Paul Mercer, Davis Petterson, and Aileen Loy. This weekend is the last of the series!
‘A Page of Madness’ is a Japanese silent film made in 1926, directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa, set in a countryside asylum. A young woman visits her mother, who is a patient at the asylum because she developed mental health issues due to cruelty from her husband when he was a sailor. The young woman is surprised to see her father there, working as a janitor. He felt guilty about his past and got the job so he could look over his wife. However, the asylum doesn’t know about the janitor’s relationship with the patient and it begins to interfere with his job. Not to mention their daughter is engaged to a man who doesn’t know about her mother, in a society where it is believed that illness is inherited.
Cantos Y Cuentos will complete the film with live music. This string quartet consists of violins played by Emily Laminack and Tracy Kathleen Woodard, a viola played by Martha Oceguera and a cello played by Erica Ransbottom. They will also feature Paul Stevens on the singing saw!
The event starts at 8 pm this Sunday, January 21, at Eyedrum Art & Music Gallery and entry is only $7. See you there!