Interlaced: Celebrating Women's Work

The Bakery Atlanta was proud to present Interlaced: Celebrating Women's Work, a group exhibition on view March 3rd - 10th, 2023 at The Bakery Atlanta’s South Downtown Gallery.

This group exhibition was dedicated to fiber art and domestic handcrafts historically regarded as women’s work and not art. The themes of this show were inspired by the message and influence of feminist artists ranging from Judy Chicago's work during the Women’s Liberation Movement in the 1970's to contemporary artists working today like Bisa Butler.

Through an open call, team members Amanda Norris and Chrysta Avers curated a diverse show featuring quilting, embroidery, needlework, ceramics, and more.

Featured artists:

Ali O'Leary ~ Anna K. Betts ~ Brianna Valmont ~ CAMISHA BUTLER ~ Frida López ~ Gabriela Canel ~ Johanna Norry ~ Jordan Kady ~ Juleah X ~ Kate Gaither ~ Kimani johnson ~ Niki Gajjar ~ Sally C. Garner ~ Sarah Keys ~ Shahnaz Nia ~ Sydney Walker


Photo Credit: Lindsay Thomaston

Exhibition Details:

Opening reception: Friday 3/3/23 @ 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm (food pop-up from Mami’s Empanadas)

Gallery hours: Saturday 3/4/23 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm (coffee pop-up from Verb Coffee Roasters)

Workshop: Sunday 3/5/23 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Talk Yo Sh*&t: Women’s Empowerment with Maya Wiseman)

Workshop: Thursday 3/9/23 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Knitting 101 with JULEAH X ART)

Gallery hours by appointment: Monday 3/6/23 - Wednesday 3/8/23

Closing reception: Friday 3/10/23 @ 6:00 pm -9:00 pm (food pop-up from Sauce Queen + Put-A-Pocket on it with Katie, local seamstress)


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