EP Review: "Behind the Light" by Yams Club


By: Stephen Wilkins

Originally published June 27, 2018, by Plasma Magazine 

Yams Club debut EP, Behind the Light, is smooth, soothing and sticky like a late afternoon summer rain in Georgia. It’ll cool you off right before the humidity kicks in on the dance floor. The young band comprised of Jade Thames (vocals), Davis Wright (bass), Justin Settipani (guitar), Jeff Wessels (drums), and Blake Objartel (guitar) have concocted a unique, tight nit sound. They juxtapoz psychedelic soundscapes of wah-wah guitar to Thames’ powerful voice.

The five-song EP begins in a cloud of smokey reverb that is at the heart of “Flame." Thames sings about desires she doesn’t quite understand “Like a moth drawn to a flame. Am I going insane.” A sentiment that is easy to identify with, as we have all pondered why we are drawn to certain things over others. Throughout the EP Thames’ voice seems to be of another time period, as if she could have been a successful singer of show tunes in the 50’s.

There are times when it seems like the music and vocals could clash, but instead of sounding like two different genres causing friction, the vocals become a guiding force through the psychedelic landscape of the instrumentation. Guitarists Objartel and Settipani use plenty of wah-wah and reverb, which in certain circumstances can be used to cover up poor playing. However, they use their effects to create rhythmic textures. A highlight on the EP, and a great example of this, is the change about halfway through the final number, “Golden Dreams”, when out of nowhere, the band goes into an almost middle eastern rhythm.

Yams Club wields their large, robust sound well. The instrumentation acts as a canvas for lead singer Jade Thames to paint stories upon. It will be interesting to see how these musicians mature and grow as a band. Yams Club is playing their EP release show Tuesday, June 27th at 529. Check out their Facebook to stay up to date on other upcoming shows.


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