Casey Hood Goes Solo


By: Stephen Wilkins

Originally published May 11, 2017, by Plasma Magazine 

Casey Hood of the now debunked Lily and the Tigers has just released her first solo record titled Undone. This new endeavor finds Hood sticking with the Americana and Folk genre but stripping it down to the bare bones.  Hood’s excellent songwriting is paired well with the instrumentation. Starting off light, the music crescendos with St. James Infirmary and Scarlett Minds before it settles back down with the final track Atlanta. A love song to the city she’s left behind but will always return to.

The eight track record is filled mostly with Hood’s raspy voluptuous voice, but the music can stand alone on its own as well. Hood and former Lily and the Tigers bandmate Jared Pepper provides most of the instrumentation for Undone, but there are certainly some other notable appearances. St. James Infirmary Blues boasts a fat piano line by Pepper that fills out the guitar chords, bringing you back to New Orleans where Louis Armstrong composed one of the earliest recorded versions of the much-covered classic. Charlie Watts, making her recording debut on Scarlett Minds, plays some beautifully eerie viola. You can check out Casey Hood’s latest release on her Bandcamp below.


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Recap: Rod Hamdallah, Motor Exploder, and Massive 45 at The Earl