Brandon Treadway for Plasma Magazine


By: Jordan Neal

Originally published June 3, 2016, by Plasma Magazine 

Brandon Treadway was tasked with creating an original piece for Plasma Magazine. This piece is a collective representation of our online publication and Brandon's own artistic stylings. His illustration work actively reflects the artist's diverse interests. When we received word that the project was complete, we were excited to see the work.

We managed to catch up with Brandon to get some insight into his workflow. Read on for the complete interview.

Why did you decide to become an artist?

It was actually because of everything I was attached to when I was younger. I started off by drawing Dragonball Z cards and Pokemon cards and just tracing them. It got me into the habit of wanting to make things for myself. After I was completely infatuated with all these cartoons I was like I should try to do something for myself. Then I had the realization that everything is art related. My dad was telling me when I was younger that even before someone made a chair, the chair was put on paper first. That just grew on me. So I’m just learning that it’s really big.

What inspires you?

My family and my friend a lot. Music is really big. Anything that sparks my attention. It’s kind of hard to get my attention. When it hit’s home I really just want to do more.

What kind of music do you listen to?

Everything. Majority Indie and Rap. Like, I really like Indie and Rap.

How do you work past a creative block?

I usually draw things I don’t have to think about. That hardest part would be planning and planning is where I hit the most blocks. So, if I’m planning and I can’t really get anything out, I’ll start looking up animes that I really like, my favorite artists, or pictures and stuff like that. I’ll be like what can I do that they did and how can I make it better. I think that is the best way to learn. Drawing what they drew is a good way to get in their head.

What’s your top 5 animes?

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Cowboy Bebop. Samurai Champloo. There is a new one that I’ve been reading and it about six episodes into the anime called Boko No Hero Academia. It’s amazing. The last one would be Dragonball Z

How did you come up with the name Flunked Fiction?

I had to spend an extra year in high school. School was the worst thing ever for me, but I was had straight A’s in art. I would be in AP art classes making straight hundred and be in other classes making 30’s and 40’s. That’s like the worst thing ever. (laughs) So that’s where the flunked comes from. The fiction comes from I like to tell stories.

What is your favorite medium to work with?

Pen and ink.

Do you have another one that you favor?

Watercolor. I don’t do it enough, but I love it.

How would you describe your personal style?

It’s really just things that you can’t let go of. Two of my personal favorite artist would be Takashi Murakami and Jamie Hewlett. I love those two. I actually want to learn how to do superflat. I guess I get my style from Jamie Hewlett’s randomness. It’s really sporadic. I like how everything doesn’t have to make sense, but you can make it come together. A lot of my work represents my personality.

Do you have any upcoming projects?

I have two comics I’m working on. The first one is called “Sticks and Stones: and it’s the prelude to the main comic I’m working on called “Deadweight.” I’m also working on the deadheads project. I’ll probably release that during in October. 

Written by Jordan Neal (@urban_jordan)

Prints of the illustration are available now for $20. Please contact our staff at to place orders.

For more on Brandon Treadway connect with him on Instagram @flunkedfiction.


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